Compute the CMPS score from a list of positions of (consistent) correlation peaks.

get_CMPS(input_ccp, Tx = 25)



a list of positions for (consistent) correlation peaks


integer, the tolerance zone is +/- Tx


a list of six components:

  • CMPS_score: computed CMPS score

  • nseg: the number of basis segments

  • congruent_pos: the congruent position that results in the CMPS score

  • congruent_seg: a boolean vector of the congruent matching profile segments

  • congruent_seg_idx: the index of the congruent matching profile segments

  • pos_df: a dataframe that includes all positions and their corresponding CMPS score


land2_3 <- bullets$sigs[bullets$bulletland == "2-3"][[1]]
land1_2 <- bullets$sigs[bullets$bulletland == "1-2"][[1]]
x <- land2_3$sig
y <- land1_2$sig
segments <- get_segs(x, len = 50)
nseg <- length(segments$segs)
seg_scale_max <- 3
npeaks_set <- c(5,3,1)
outlength <- c(50, 100, 200)

ccp_list <- lapply(1:nseg, function(nseg) {
 ccr_list <- lapply(1:seg_scale_max, function(seg_scale) {
   get_ccr_peaks(y, segments, seg_outlength = outlength[seg_scale], 
   nseg = nseg, npeaks = npeaks_set[seg_scale])

 get_ccp(ccr_list, Tx = 25)
cmps <- get_CMPS(ccp_list, Tx = 25)